About Us

 Knowledge can never be stolen, it can be only spread all over the world. Life is not easy so, show love and give love.
Swami Vivekanand

About Me

Hello there, welcome to my blog. My name is Bishwobroto Chakraborty and I love to read and write. I hope that you will visit me every day and as per your expectations, I'll also give you the best content and material which my friends deserve. I have been a content writer on different platforms for the last 2 years. I started my blog because I can share my knowledge with everyone and make this world a better place.

Why Blogging

I love to write from the very beginning and had been writing since a very early age. Won a lot of competitions and medals in writing and speaking recognized platforms. I have been writing on the basis of freelancing for quite a time now but I don't have my freedom to write there. A blog is a place where I can express my views in such a way that people understand what is going on all over the world.

What About Freelancing

I still work as a freelancer and as a content writer. online as well as offline. I have a Fiverr account where you can order on my gigs. If anyone wants to contact me for any kind of writing work please contact me through https://bishwobroto.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html


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