Know the current Scenario of India
Is India really in a condition of war? Why is China enrapturing land in Ladakh ? Does India stand a chance against China if nuclear war takes place? How will the lives of India get affected by the war? These are all the questions people think about every day. Right now India is standing is such a condition that problems are surrounding us from each and every side. There is a condition of flood in 6 major states of India in which Assam and Bihar is in more critical condition. Pakistan's attacks on the border almost every day and kills our brothers and sisters. Is West Bengal turning into a new Kashmir ? Due to Covid-19, almost 500-600 people are dying every day . People of Leh and Ladakh are facing heavy military force moments. Kashmir being Kashmir have their own conflicts every single day. The question is what can we do? In this blog, you would go through some familiar topics as well as some topics no one talks about because they are scared. Being a responsible citizen ...